Wilchar, Black tears

- Technical data
- Format: 16 mm
- Date: 1992
- Duration: 54 minutes
- Writer and director: Richard Olivier
- Image: Jean-François Boucher
- Sound: Frans Wentzel
- Editing: Pilar Morales
- Production director: Monique Licht
Wilchar, the son of working-class parents, a dissenter and humanitarian anarchist, a perpetual opponent of injustice and a lithographer of violent and libertarian talent, a self-taught artist and a planter of bombs, was deported to Breendonck (a German detention camp in Belgium) during the war. The months he spent there fragmented his life forever. What he saw and underwent, as reflected in his drawings and his work, evokes unrelentingly the problem of annihilation of the human. The steadfast defender of human rights and worldwide happiness can never forget his experience. And he shares it with us here, making us take part with all the force of his emotion and indignation.
Jacqueline Aubenas
Press review
Superb film and splendid title. “Wilchar, black tears” shows the sensitivity of an old, tired lion who still roars with anger. Breendonck: a particular moment of intense emotion when Wilchar collapses while remembering the funeral lament of the Jews taken to the gas chambers. " Moustique "
This solemn, deeply moving document is an encounter with Wilchar, a former resistant, a man of exception. " Le Soir "
Thanks to his talent, magic and sensitivity, Richard Olivier makes us feel affection for Wilchar. " Ubu. "
The series ‘Trace’ reaches its objective: to fix on film our collective memory. " Le Ligueur "
Poignant portrait of an anarchist worker and unknown artist. " L'Instant "