Love pains
- Technical data
- Format: Beta Digit
- Date: 1999
- Duration: 54 minutes
- Writer and director: Richard Olivier
- Image: Jean-François Boucher
- Sound: Dan Van Bever
- Editing: Olivier Lathuy
- Production director: Monique Licht
This documentary film tries to comprehend a singular and complex form of human sexuality through the confessions of various men and women who practice sadomasochism. It looks at the reasons that drive people to indulge in painful games of domination and submission.
The analyses of the renowned psychoanalyst Serge André throw light on the behavioural deviations the exercise of power can foster in some of society’s great decision makers.
Press review
Dark piece of art from an uncommon filmmaker in our audiovisual landscape. Navigating between human distress and the love of evil, this documentary lament is another addition to the ‘difficult’ film collection of Richard Olivier. "Cinergie"
But why on earth is this film disturbing? Is it because Bella confirms that VIP’s, higher officials occupying very important positions, frequently visit ‘donjons’ ? "Alternative Libertaire"
Serge André, psychiatrist, has gathered confessions on the extreme deviances caused in people who have power. Is this the reason why RTB television refuses to air this document? Or is it to protect its virginity ? "Le Matin"