Olivier-films Richard Olivier Film director and Producer

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Richard Olivier Film director and Producer

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Esther forever

  • Technical data
  • Format: Beta Digit / 35mm
  • Date: 2007
  • Duration: 89 minutes
  • Coproduction: Centre Bruxellois de l'Audiovisuel - Olivier Films

A life chronicle of two sisters in their seventies, where reality constantly surpasses fiction.

It took six years to shoot this document on the everyday life of Esther and Elvire, "popular heroins" whose language and humour are completely surrealistic: "… Love is to speak gently and to lie as hard as you can…" You can't find more Belgian than this!

Press review

"...One of the mainstays of French-speaking cinema is the documentary. Some documentarians stand out, such as Thierry Michel (Congo River) and Richard Olivier, who is finishing the extraorinary Esther forever, about a woman who rejects the whole idea of death, stuffs her dead animals and expresse herself in picturesque terms" - "love is speaking softly and lying hard". Cahiers du cinéma: Hors-série 2007


Soon availalbe the movie info of Esther forever.