Olivier-films Richard Olivier Film director and Producer

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Richard Olivier Film director and Producer

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Looking for lost cinema theatres (written in French)

Looking for lost cinema theatres

Author Richard Olivier

Price 32€

127 pages, colour and black&white photos, 21/30 album format

And God created the world in six days. On the seventh, in order to relax, he decided to go to the Eden Cinema. Alas! He discovered that His favourite movie theatre was transformed into a bank . Totally disgusted, He went back home to zap on his TV.

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In the FNAC, City 2, Place Rogier, Brussels


“Looking for lost movie theatres” bears testimony to the disappearance of suburb theatres and was written after the shooting of a short document entitled “The End” on the same subject. Movie theatres of our childhood and last refuges for loners disappeared forever amidst great indifference. 63 different authors including Gearges Simenon, Robert Doisneau, Louis Scutenaire, Jacques Prévert, Wim Wenders, Roger Grenier, Jean Aurenche, Jean-Roger Caussimon, Jack Lang say what these temples of the image meant to them.


Press review

This book is not a lamentation of an old idiot about the disappearance of the local movie theatres of his childhood (sic). The texts from 63 authors have been edited as a pictorial and literary scenario, a real art work that merits to be explored. F.L. "Festival du Cinéma de Bruxelles"

This document, which was announced as one of the Belgian projects on the occasion of the Year of European Cinema and Television, has just come off the press. It is a luxury book of 127 pages abundantly illustrated with photos and drawings from past times. Each author has made a personal contribution : poetry, short story, drawing, painting, souvenir… " Le Moniteur du Film " Very original book. Impressionistic approach, careful editing, touching contents. Louis Danvers "Le Vif-L'Express"

Superb edition, the mere fact of flipping through the book already gives you a taste of the atmosphere. Erik Machielsen. "Moustique"

Olivier and his troops stir up angel dust. Luc Honorez. Luc Honorez. "Le Soir"

We already knew that Richard Olivier had multiple talents. We knew that he very much liked local movie theatres. We also knew that he succeeded in the past, thanks to his obstinacy and energy, to bring to success ambitious projects. The addition of all these qualities results today in a splendid "catalogue of recollections". Philippe Reynaert. "Marie-Claire"

Every man remembers his first love and his first movie theatre. “Looking for lost cinema theatres » and its 63 authors confirm this statement. René Hénoumont. "Le Soir Illustré"