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A department store has hired an author of detective novels to live and write in one of its shop windows during one month. The play starts at the time when the author is breaking down.
The tension accumulated manifests itself by a series of crises that are witnessed by the employee responsible for that particular department.
The press gets hold of the story and the couple become a marketing product : the first window-shop couple. The store insists on them getting married at all costs…
Our new millennium is characterized by voyeurism. This is exactly what Richard Olivier’s play is all about. The dialogues that oppose the writer and the department employee are energetic and colourful. A rare delight! "Femmes d'aujourd'hui"
It is clear that Yves Larec really enjoyed the staging of this rhythmical text that is in fact a far more thorough criticism of our time than one would imagine at first sight. From the very beginning to the end pleasure inundates the public sitting on the other side of the shop window. "La Libre Belgique"